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Sound Proofing- Solution Tree

Select your design , we provide customised options with 3D designs before we finalise the Home theatre room. Contact us for a customised solution for your home!

Sound control solutions, we have been offering specific solutions to isolate sound sources and prevent sound transmission . Applications range from elastic bearings on ventilation units to impact noise protection in buildings.

Different types of sound transmission

Airborne noise Noises, such as music or people speaking, cause the air to vibrate and these vibrations propagate in the form of waves, indirectly exciting components such as the walls and ceiling. These components then radiate noise that can be heard in adjoining rooms.

To determine the airborne noise insulation of a component, such as a wall or the ceiling, this excitation is generated deliberately. Structure-borne noise If vibrations are generated in the building structure itself – for example, due to water pipes in a wall, hammering or drilling or household appliances – this is referred to as structure-borne noise.

Structure-borne noise If vibrations are generated in the building structure itself – for example, due to water pipes in a wall, hammering or drilling or household appliances – this is referred to as structure-borne noise.

Impact noise Impact noise is a special form of structure-borne noise, which is generated by walking, moving or dropping objects directly into the ceiling or stairs. Secondary airborne noise radiates into adjoining rooms. To determine the impact noise insulation of a component, a standard hammer is used to deliberately excite the component.

Transmission of sound through flankingelements Components must always be considered in combination with the building system. A proportion of the sound is transmitted through what are known as flanking components. Doors, shafts or ceiling ducts may act as transmission paths for sound. The perceived noise level always depends on the interaction of all transmission paths.

Our solutions: Your benefits
–Targeted reduction in noise for a high standard of comfort
–Increased quality of life and work due to optimum insulation effect
–Sound control adds value to residential apartments and buildings
–Long-term, durable and pioneering soundproofing solutions
–A high degree of planning reliability thanks to proven effectiveness

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