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AV over IP Network Solutions

Fixed Traditional Matrix switcher give certain number of inputs and outputs which are good but not flexible and scale-able  but as a designer we were to limit within the budget and requirement of the client but AV over IP is any source anywhere, AV over IP give you Flexibility, Manageability, scalability, AV over IP is transportation of audio, video, control and USB on an IP Network  Especially where one has to control large number of displays ,Areas where scalability is required are meeting spaces, auditoriums, university, enterprises, auditoriums, live concerts , arenas. knocks, stadium, command control centers, video conferencing, sports bars, e-gaming, all these segments requires transportation, Medical application – training they want to show students the high quality video over the network which is possible in AV over IP solution, which takes care of Latency, Bandwidth and Quality. Our AV over IP solution  can work over  1Gb network which is medium bandwidth, low latency, medium to high quality, High scale, can run on existing customer network, allowing for thousands of end-points.

Who needs Video ?

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